Season 7 | Episode 12
Wood and Vi were approved to be foster parents! Now it’s just a matter of time before they are assigned a child. Vi also has a chance to take her pies worldwide. She was presented with paperwork for her attorney to review. The company made her pies and the lady brought Vi some to taste. It was all wrong. They asked Vi for a recipe, but of course she cooks by spirit. She’s gonna have to figure out how to tell these folks all of the recipe for mass production. The company also created Vi’s pie boxes and they cute. Looks like things are looking up.
Wood is running for the school board office and getting ready for the debate. He’s hype because he knows he can change things from the inside. He killed it at the debate. My only question was why they made Wood a high school dropout. I thought I remembered him going to his class reunion a few seasons ago. Anywho, when the opponent brings that up, he tells his story and how school was a struggle and how he went and got a job. Most importantly, by the time graduation came, no one even noticed that he wasn’t there. He had fallen thru the cracks and that’s what he wants to stop.
Nova is hosting a get-together for Dominic’s friends. He tells her that she doesn’t have to do it, since he knows she’s dealing with the news of Aunt Martha’s death. Nova insists. She wants to meet all of the people that he travels the world with. This all sounds good. Dominic is so in love. But yall know Nova ain’t loyal. You will prolly be reading about the rest of their story in the bad news section below.
RA and Darla still aren’t on the same page regarding telling Blue about his bio dad. But to make sure that RA sees that Blue is ok, Darla brought Blue home! Heeeeeey, Blue! He approves of their new apartment and says that his grandparent’s house is too big.
Keke and Micah was all booed up at Micah’s apartment. He’s telling her about how much he loved NY and how he can totally see himself there. It felt like home. He’s waiting to hear back about opportunities there. Keke tells him that this is typical Micah. He’s always looking for the next thing. Micah disagrees. Of all the places he’s been, NY is the place that’s calling. Keke tells him that if NY feels like that for him, that’s where he should be.
Billie is going back to Chicago after the Landry situation is over with.
And the best part of the episode – Landry is getting evicted! They are going to auction off his land. There’s a chance to get Pop’s land back. It’s right in the middle of Landry’s land. RA then yells to Landry that he and the Black farmers caused the eviction. From Sam’s response, he had no clue. And they probably should have kept him guessing. They finally got Landry on bribing the USDA. The farmers watch the news report and they decided to use all the money in the co-op + Nova’s advance money. Meanwhile, Sam is calling in all his old friends and all the favors owed to get his land back. The farmers agree to band together. Prosper passes around a hat and all I could do is shake my head. I don’t know how many acres will be up for auction, but passing a collection plate ain’t finna do it.
Nova is being hard on herself because she was busy living up to Pop’s expectations, while forgetting about her mother’s. RA says he fell into the same trap and Charley was the only one that figured it out. Nova disagrees and says that Charley just wasn’t here to disappoint him like they were.
Before the shindig, Nova shows RA maps from Aunt Martha’s books. Later, she takes Dominic over to Aunt Martha’s house and explains the gift that the women in her family have. Her mom was writing a story – the story of the land and her house. And there’s a place called Trudy’s room that gets the best light and she’s to come to the room when she’s ready. Nova tries to open the door to it, but it doesn’t open. Of course she’s disappointed. Dominic consoles her.
At the party, the program chair offers Dominic the opportunity of a lifetime. He wants Dominic to lead an international delegation for a dig in Mali. It’s a huge project. Of course he accepts. It starts in the spring and he will be there for 16 months. Nova had to take a sip of her wine on that one. Dominic tells Nova that he doesn’t want to be away from her. Nova encourages him to move forward because this is his dream. Dominic wants Nova to come with him. Wow! He wants to experience it with Nova – his best friend and his love. Nova declines. She tells him to follow his path – without her. I told yall a LONG time ago that Dominic needed to leave Nova alone. She was going to hurt him. It was just a matter of time. So they breakup and Billie calls to check on her. Funny thing is, she ain’t even sad.
Micah got an email for the job he really wanted with the Law Enforcement Accountability Project (L.E.A.P.) He’s hype. Keke is hype for him and for the decisions that he’s made that have been right for him. Now he has to determine if he will drop out of school and leave the family and the collective. Keke tells him that she will hold it down. Micah says his parents will flip about him dropping out. Keke says his parents want him to be happy. He says they want him to make them happy. Keke pushes back. That’s how he’s reading it, but that may not necessarily be what they think or feel. Nonetheless, he’s just gonna have to convince his parents of it.
So after the talk with Keke, Micah decides to call his mama. Let’s just stop right there because do we even know what shape their relationship is in right now? What happened after Micah left that voicemail for his mama apologizing for the NFT? Did they ever have a convo after that? We weren’t privy to that one, but we got to hear this one. So Micah calls Charley, and I can only assume she’s busy because she’s running for office. But anywho…he gives her the backstory and tells her he’s dropping out of college. Charley tells him that he’s making choices that will impact the rest of his life and she doesn’t know what to say. He tells Charley that everybody else is happy for him and he thought she would be too. Charley says that he should have talked to them first. But then Micah told her that he wasn’t asking for permission. He’s an adult but she’s treating him like a kid. Charley says she has to go. And that’s how they leave it.
Blue mentioned his granddad. That’s interesting because it was like they totally forgot about him after he told Darla to come clean to RA. Ain’t seen nor heard about him since.
Billie said that Sandy redecorated, but I ain’t see not one change. If she wanna do something, she needs to get rid of that brown paneling. Ijs…
It’s funny to me the things that the writers are willing to cut and paste Charley in for. A convo about the NFT was a no, but the convo about Micah dropping out is a yes. If I were Charley, I would still be sending his calls to voicemail after that NFT mess. Micah didn’t hear what he wanted to hear. But if he wasn’t asking for permission, why was he calling her at one of the most chaotic times in her life? If he had made a decision, it could have waited. Right?
For a minute, I thought Nova would jump at the chance to live wild and free in Africa with Dominic. It really seems like a trip that’s right down her alley. If she loved him, she would have at least given it some thought and consideration. There’s no other reason for her not to go. She can work virtually. What work does she have in St. Jo? None. What does she do with the collective? Nothing. There’s nothing keeping her tied to NOLA, except her. And the fact that she has professed her love to Dominic, but she’s playing in his face.
Nova and RA talking about how Charley was the only one who was able to live up to Pop’s expectations is rich. Why can’t they see that Charley was trying to be perfect for Pop and his acceptance. They had him all to themselves. She was the one on the other side of the country wanting nothing more than to feel like she was loved by him. If there’s anything that I wish the series would have delved deeper into, it’s her feelings of inadequacy and abandonment by Pop.
Well folks. We are almost at the end of this journey. One more episode, and the Queen Sugar saga will be over.
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